At 25°C both molar volumes V and partial molal volumes V: , , , in carbon tetrachloride of cyclohexane-dl? and of acetone-d6 are smallerthan V and V: C14 of the corresponding protio compounds. However, both V and V: , , , of acetonitrile-d, are larger than V and v&.,~ of acetonitrile-h3, and in solvent cyclohexane V:h,,12 of acetone-& and of acetone-h6 are approximately equal.Apparently deuteration has not only a steric effect, but (in polar compounds) a counter-balancing effect, which may be polar.G. RONALD BROWN, JULIAN K. EDWARD et JOHN T. EDWARD. Can. J. Chem. 61, 2684 (1983.A 25"C, les volumes molaires V et les volumesmolaires partiels V: , , , du cyclohexane-dl, et de I'acCtone-d6 dans le tCtrachlorur_e de carbone sont plus faibles que V et v:,,~ des composts non deuttrks correspondants. Cependant, les valeurs de V et de v :~~~ de I'acCtonitrile-d-, sont plusgrandes que les valeurs correspondantes pour I'acCtonitrile non deutCrt; dans le cyclohexane comme solvant, les valeurs de v:,,,,~ de l'acttone-d6 et de I'acttone-h6 sont a peu pres Cgales. Apparemment, la deutCration n'a pas seulement un effet stCrique, mais (dans les composCs polaires) un effet contre balan~ant qui peut &tre polaire.[Traduit par le journal]A large number of examples of secondary deuterium isotope effects on reaction rates (reviewed in refs. 1-3) has been observed. One explanation which accounts for many results depends on the idea that protio-alkyl groups (such as CH,) occupy a slightly larger volume than the corresponding deuteroalkyl groups (such as CD,), because of the greater amplitude of the zero-point vibration of the C-H as compared with the C-D bond. This idea finds support in the studies of Baldry and Robinson (4) on the conformational equilibrium of trans-lmethyl-d,-3-methylcyclohexane, which showed the conformation having CD, axial favoured by 11 cal mol-' over the conformation having CH3 axial; in optical rotatory dispersion studies of Djerassi and co-workers (5); and in studies of steric effects of H and D on ' H and I3C chemical shifts by Anet and Dekmezian (6).However, the most direct indication of this volume difference might be expected to come from measurements of molar volumes. Indeed, at the triple point (7) and at the critical temperature (8) the molar volume V of CH, is greater than that of CD,. Similarly, at ordinary temperatures the molar volumes of benzene (9-1 l ) , cyclohexane (16), and toluene (1 1) are greater than the volumes of their deuterated forms. However, Rabinovich (1 1) repcrted that the molar volumes of CDCl3, CD3N02, PhND?, C H 3 0 D , CH3CH20D, CH,CH2CH20D, (CH3)?CHOD, CH3CH2CH2CH20D, CH20D-CH20D, CH20D-CHOD-CH20D, and (CH,),CCO,D were greater than the volumes of the corresponding protio compounds.This last result pointed to a curious difference between hydrocarbons and more polar organic molecules which we thought worth confirming, particularly since it was based on density measurements made with pyknometers, which are probably less accurate than the direct-reading density meters now availabl...