By a construction of Vaughan Jones, the bipartite graph Γ(A) associated with the natural inclusion of C inside a finite-dimensional C * -algebra A gives rise to a planar algebra P Γ(A) . We prove that every subfactor planar subalgebra of P Γ(A) is the fixed point planar algebra of a uniquely determined action of a compact quantum group G on A. We use this result to introduce a conceptual framework for the free wreath product operation on compact quantum groups in the language of planar algebras/standard invariants of subfactors. Our approach will unify both previous definitions of the free wreath product due to Bichon and Fima-Pittau and extend them to a considerably larger class of compact quantum groups. In addition, we observe that the central Haagerup property for discrete quantum groups is stable under the free wreath product operation (on their duals).Recall that π 0 (resp. π 1 ) is the pair partition of 2k with blocks {(2i, 2i + 1)} (resp. {2i + 1, 2i + 2)}). Definition 6.7. A free pair (T, T ) of planar tangles is called reduced if T = T π and T = T kr (π) for some non-crossing partition π such that π ≥ π 0 .An example of reduced free pair is given in Figure 17 with π = {{1, 6}, {2, 3, 4,