Mobile agents have been with us for a quite long time, showing their usefulness when it comes to developing distributed information systems. In particular, their dynamism, mobility, and adaptivity have been shown to be especially wellsuited to deal with different problems that arise in mobile computing scenarios: the need for efficient access to heterogeneous and distributed data sources, dynamic load balancing, robustness in unstable connections and communication failures, etc. Indeed, developing mobile games using mobile agents technology would benefit from these characteristics in terms of infrastructures and on-demand deployment, but this is not the only benefit they could obtain from it.In this paper, we advocate using the paradigm of software mobile agents to enhance mobile games design. By exploiting their mobility, context adaptivity, autonomy, and, last but not least, their intuitive design paradigm, game developers are provided with an alternative approach to design games that otherwise might be impossible to implement in an efficient manner. We illustrate this potential using a sample mobile game.