The circadian rhythm of locomotory activity in the Asian garden dormouse, Eliomys melanurus from Saudi Arabia was investigated under controlled laboratory conditions. Eleven individuals were subjected to successive light cycles of two weeks. Locomotory activity of the dormouse was confined mainly to the dark phases of the LD and DL cycles.On the LD cycle, the mean percentage of activity was 95.5 ± 0.9% during the dark phase.When subjected to constant darkness all animals expressed free running rhythms of locomotor activity (mean 24h06 ± 0h09). Upon inversion of the LD cycle, activity reentrained to the new light cycle within 3 days and a percentage of nocturnal activity of 96.8 ± 0.7%. When the dark component of the day was lengthened to 8L:16D the active time increased significantly from 11h43 ± 0h05 to 13h43 ± 0h22. In contrast, when the dark component was shortened 16L: 8D the active time decreased significantly from that of the 12L:12D to 7h58 ± 0h04. There was no difference in the locomotor activity at 20 and 30 o C however, dormice entered torpor at 10 o C,being almost completely inactive.The Asian garden dormouse possesses a circadian rhythm of locomotor activity that entrains strongly to light. The rhythm of locomotor activity occurs predominantly during the dark phase and thus this species can be considered truly nocturnal in habit.