Soot emissions from flaming combustion are relevant as a significant source of atmospheric pollution and as a source of nanomaterials. Candles are interesting targets for soot characterization studies since they burn complex fuels with a large number of carbon atoms, and yield stable and repeatable flames. We characterized the soot particle size distributions in a candle flame using the planar two-color time-resolved laser induced incandescence (2D-2C TiRe-LII) technique, which has been successfully applied to different combustion applications, but never before on a candle flame. Soot particles are heated with a planar laser sheet to temperatures above the normal flame temperatures. The incandescent soot particles emit thermal radiation, which decays over time when the particles cool down to the flame temperature. By analyzing the temporal decay of the incandescence signal, soot particle size distributions within the flame are obtained. Our results are consistent with previous works, and show that the outer edges of the flame are characterized by larger particles (≈ 60 nm), whereas smaller particles (≈ 25 nm) are found in the central regions. We also show that our effective temperature estimates have a maximum error of 100 K at early times, which decreases as the particles cool. Candles are one of the oldest combustion technologies still in use. They represented a significant technological advancement over oil lamps, including the lack of dripping and the ability to produce a stable flame due to its self-trimming wick. Ever since Michael Faraday's famous lectures 1 , and albeit their deceptive simplicity, candle flames remain perhaps the most archetypal non-premixed combustion system, and have received continuous attention from the combustion community 2-7. As practical combustion systems, candles include several complex processes in the solid, liquid and gaseous phases in a compact and safe setting. The paraffin wax is held in the system as a solid and is only liquefied before it is fed to the flame zone, which represents an important attribute in terms of safety, storage and transportation. Liquid fuel is fed to the flame through the wick by way of capillary movement. As the fuel reaches the top of the wick, it evaporates and the gaseous fuel diffuses towards the reaction zone, a thin surface located at the exterior of the flame where the combustion reactions take place, while it undergoes thermal decomposition. In terrestrial gravity conditions, the buoyant, hot gases generated by the energy released in the combustion reactions move upward, entraining fresh air into the reaction zone, ensuring the sustained combustion in the system. Gravity thus gives the flame its characteristic shape, and candles have been the subject of significant research in microgravity conditions by NASA 3,8. Perhaps the main feature of candle flames is their luminosity, and nowadays they are still an important light source, particularly for the approximately 800 million people still living without access to electricity 9. Candle flame ...