Chemical synthesis and characterization of hollow dopamine coated, pentagonal and flower shaped magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles AIP Conference Proceedings 1957, 020004 (2018) Compositional analysis revealed that powder synthesis techniques did not exhibit a significant effect on formation of secondary phases. When Mg concentration did not exceed 5 at%, the powders prepared by both techniques contained only a single phase. An increase of MgO secondary phase was observed as Mg concentrations increased from 10 to 20 at%. Experimental results, on the contrary, revealed that powder synthesis techniques contributed to significant differences in microstructure. Solution combustion technique produced powders with finer particle sizes, which consequently led to finer grain sizes and density enhancement. High-density specimens with fine microstructure generally exhibit improved dielectric properties. Dielectric measurements revealed that dielectric constants of all samples ranged between 231 and 327 at 1 MHz, and that superior dielectric constants were observed in samples prepared by the solution combustion technique.