The Indonesian Archipelago (IA) is a key region of the climate system, since the atmospheric deep convection attributed to the high sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in this region drives the Walker circulation and influences climate on the global scale (Clement et al., 2013; Neale & Slingo, 2003). Tidal mixing enhanced in the IA is thought to be one of the major factors contributing to the SST change around this region (Koch-Larrouy et al., 2010; Nagai & Hibiya, 2020; Sprintall et al., 2014). Actually, Ffield and Gordon (1996) and Ray and Susanto (2016) found a clear spring-neap tidal cycle in satellite SST data in the IA, suggesting the effects of tidal mixing on the SST change in this region. Tidal mixing in the IA is also thought to influence the large-scale ocean circulation through the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF), which is responsible for transporting a large amount of water (10-18 Sv) and heat (∼0.7 PW) from the western Pacific warm pool to the Indian Ocean (Gordon & McClean, 1999; Susanto & Song, 2015). The ITF waters significantly change their properties while passing through the tidal mixing zone of the IA and consequently influence the Agulhas and Leeuwin Currents (Gordon, 2005). The first estimate of mixing intensity in the IA was made by Ffield and Gordon (1992), who used a one-dimensional advection-diffusion model to show that an area-averaged vertical diffusivity of K V ∼ 10 −4 m 2 s −1 is necessary to explain the evolution of water-mass properties (temperature, salinity,