Industrial control systems (ICSs) play a crucial role in managing and monitoring critical processes across various industries, such as manufacturing, energy, and water treatment. The connection of equipment from various manufacturers, complex communication methods, and the need for the continuity of operations in a limited environment make it difficult to detect system anomalies. Traditional approaches that rely on supervised machine learning require time and expertise due to the need for labeled datasets. This study suggests an alternative approach to identifying anomalous behavior within ICSs by means of unsupervised machine learning. The approach employs unsupervised machine learning to identify anomalous behavior within ICSs. This study shows that unsupervised learning algorithms can effectively detect and classify anomalous behavior without the need for pre-labeled data using a composite autoencoder model. Based on a dataset that utilizes HIL-augmented ICSs (HAIs), this study shows that the model is capable of accurately identifying important data characteristics and detecting anomalous patterns related to both value and time. Intentional error data injection experiments could potentially be used to validate the model’s robustness in real-time monitoring and industrial process performance optimization. As a result, this approach can improve system reliability and operational efficiency, which can establish a foundation for safe and sustainable ICS operations.