Lamb and shearhorizontal wave production by interdigital transducers deposited on both sides of a piezoelectric plateSurface acoustic waves ͑SAW͒ propagating on the ͑111͒, ͑112͒, and ͑113͒ cuts of gallium arsenide in the ͓110͔ direction are studied both theoretically and experimentally. The possibility of propagation of both normal and leaky surface acoustic waves ͑NSAW and LSAW, respectively͒ is predicted. The acoustoelectrical activity predicted for LSAW is more than 100 times higher than that for NSAW. Three particle displacement components of comparable magnitudes for LSAW propagating on the three cuts are obtained. The lowest attenuation ͑4.94ϫ10 Ϫ5 dB per wavelength͒ is predicted for the LSAW at the ͑112͒, ͓110͔ orientation of GaAs. Theoretical characteristics for the LSAW on the ͑112͒ cut are corroborated experimentally. Experimental values of the phase velocity ͑3.05ϫ10 3 m/s͒, electromechanical coupling coefficient ͑8.1ϫ10 Ϫ4 ͒, attenuation ͑5.7ϫ10 Ϫ3 dB per wavelength͒, and temperature delay coefficient ͑5.2ϫ10 Ϫ5 deg Ϫ1 ͒ are presented. Characteristics of experimental delay lines fabricated on the ͑112͒ cut and the well-known ͑001͒ cut are compared.