According to the mosaic scenario, relaxation in supercooled liquids is ruled by two competing mechanisms: surface tension, opposing the creation of local excitations, and entropy, providing the drive to the configurational rearrangement of a given region. We test this scenario through numerical simulations well below the Mode Coupling temperature. For an equilibrated configuration, we freeze all the particles outside a sphere and study the thermodynamics of this sphere. The frozen environment acts as a pinning field. Measuring the overlap between the unpinned and pinned equilibrium configurations of the sphere, we can see whether it has switched to a different state. We do not find any clear evidence of the mosaic scenario. Rather, our results seem compatible with the existence of a single (liquid) state. However, we find evidence of a growing static correlation length, apparently unrelated to the mosaic one.It is common opinion that in finite dimension a divergence of a relaxation time τ at nonzero temperature is associated to a diverging characteristic length ξ. The idea is that when this length increases, relaxation proceeds through the rearrangement of ever larger regions, taking a longer and longer time. The relation between τ and ξ depends on the physical mechanism of relaxation. Two main mechanisms are activated relaxation of a ψ-dimensional droplet of size ξ, giving τ ∼ exp(Aξ ψ /T ), and critical slowing down, whereGlass-forming liquids are tricky: relaxation times grow spectacularly (more than ten decades) upon lowering the temperature, without clear evidence of a growing static cooperative lenght. In particular, density fluctuations are thought to remain correlated over short distances close to the glass transition (although there are some indication that energy fluctuations might develop larger correlations [2,3]). Thus the concept of dynamic heterogeneities is central to several theories of the glass transition [4,5,6,7], where the role of order parameter is played by dynamic quantities such as local time correlators, which become correlated over the growing dynamic lenght scale ξ dyn . No thermodynamic singularity is present in these theories. Dynamic singularities are also typically absent at finite temperatures, with the notable exception of mode coupling theory (MCT) [8], recently recast in terms of dynamic heterogeneities [9]. Note, however, that the experimental values of ξ dyn [10,11,12,13] are barely in the nm range, the same as density correlations [14].The mosaic scenario (MS) [15,16,17], working within the conceptual framework of nucleation theory, identifies on the other hand a static correlation length. Deeply rooted in the physics of mean-field spin glasses, the MS crucially assumes the existence of exponentially many inequivalent states exp(N Σ), below the mode coupling temperature T MC (Σ is called complexity or configurational entropy, and N is the size of the system). Suppose the system is in a state α and ask: what is the free energy cost for a region of linear size R to rearrange...