Advancement in modern technologies for explora tion of the ocean and, in particular, the ocean shelf, requires methods for remote determination of various physical and geotechnical properties of the seafloor, its density, elasticity, particle size spectrum, as well as their spatial distribution on the seafloor surface and with depth. Acoustic waves reflected from and scat tered by the seafloor are natural carriers of such infor mation. This paper considers the current state of the oretical and experimental research on seafloor scatter ing. A brief review is given on results obtained and published in 1999-2010. Earlier results are available in reviews [1-6] and references therein.The results discussed in what follows relate mainly to two most recent major experiments, SAX99 [7-9] and SAX04 [10⎯12], on the sound scattering by the seafloor (these names are abbreviations of the Sedi ment Acoustics eXperiments 1999 and 2004). They were fulfilled at shallows of the Gulf of Mexico with roughly 20 m of water in about one kilometer from each other and off Fort Walton Beach, Florida. The main goal of the experiments was to test theoretical models describing different mechanisms of sound scattering by marine sediments. The scattering models support required interrelations among measurable characteristics of scattered field and various measur able physical parameters of the seafloor medium. Thus, to verify a model, it is necessary to have suffi ciently well controllable conditions, i.e., to perform simultaneous measurements of key input/output parameters of the model. Then, such models are appli cable for solving both direct (predicting scattering from a bottom with specified physical properties) and inverse problems of the acoustics of marine sediments (determination of seafloor properties from scattering data). Thus, these models are the basis for developing methods for acoustic sensing of the sediment.For example, sediment density, sound velocity along with the sound absorption coefficient within the seafloor, spatial spectra of irregularities of the seafloor surface (and/or interfaces) along with volumetric het erogeneity in the sediment body (or, in the case of dis crete scatterers, their size distributions) are the main input parameters needed to predict reverberation from the bottom. The frequency-angular dependences for the coefficients of sound reflection and scattering by the seafloor are the main output characteristics of such a model.During the SAX99 and SAX04 experiments, exten sive measurements of roughness spectra along with spectral and size analysis of particles from bottom samples have been performed by various techniques. This made it possible to estimate the spectrum of vol ume fluctuations of acoustic parameters in sediments (continuous inhomogeneities), the size and shape dis tribution function of discrete scatterers (mostly shells and their debris), as well as other seafloor parameters. Based on the available models [9,11,[13][14][15][16][17], this made it possible to calculate the contributions from v...