Heavily-doped semiconductor films are very promising for application in mid-infrared plasmonic devices because the real part of their dielectric function is negative and broadly tunable in this wavelength range. In this work we investigate heavily n-type doped germanium epilayers grown on different substrates, in-situ doped in the 10 17 to 10 19 cm −3 range, by infrared spectroscopy, first principle calculations, pump-probe spectroscopy and dc transport measurements to determine the relation between plasma edge and carrier density and to quantify mid-infrared plasmon losses. We demonstrate that the unscreened plasma frequency can be tuned in the 400 -4800 cm −1 range and that the average electron scattering rate, dominated by scattering with optical phonons and charged impurities, increases almost linearly with frequency. We also found weak dependence of losses and tunability on the crystal defect density, on the inactivated dopant density and on the temperature down to 10 K. In films where the plasma was optically activated by pumping in the near-infrared, we found weak but significant dependence of relaxation times on the static doping level of the film. Our results suggest that plasmon decay times in the several-picosecond range can be obtained in ntype germanium thin films grown on silicon substrates hence allowing for underdamped mid-infrared plasma oscillations at room temperature.The recent push towards applications of spectroscopy for chemical and biological sensing in the mid-infrared (mid-IR)1-8 has prompted the need for conducting thin films displaying values of the complex dielectric functionǫ(ω) = ǫ ′ (ω) + iǫ ′′ (ω) that can be tailored to meet the needs of novel electromagnetic designs exploiting the concepts of metamaterials, transformation optics and plasmonics 9 . In the design of metamaterials, where subwavelength sized conducting elements are embedded in dielectric matrices, if the values of ǫ ′ of the metal and the dielectric are of the same order, but have opposite sign, the geometric filling fractions of the metal and dielectric can be readily tuned to achieve subwavelengthresolution focusing of radiation 10 . Such requirement is met by silver for wavelengths λ around 400 nm. The same condition cannot be achieved in the IR range by using elemental metals, however, because metals possess an extremely high negative value of ǫ ′ not equaled, in