We experimentally show that the neuron functions as a precise time-integrator, where the accumulated changes in neuronal response latencies, under complex and random stimulation patterns, are solely a function of a global quantity, the average time-lag between stimulations. In contrast, momentary leaps in the neuronal response latency follow trends of consecutive stimulations, indicating ultra-fast neuronal plasticity. On a circuit level, this ultra-fast neuronal plasticity phenomenon implements error-correction mechanisms and fast detectors for misplaced stimulations. Additionally, at moderate/high stimulation rates this phenomenon destabilizes/stabilizes a periodic neuronal activity disrupted by misplaced stimulations.
I. INTRODUCTIONOn the network and circuit level, both synaptic and neuronal plasticity are present. These two distinct types of plasticity have different effects on the dynamics of a network [1,2]. On one hand, synaptic plasticity has been vastly researched, from the single neuron to the network level, specifically long and short-term plasticity. Shortterm synaptic plasticity reflects an increase (facilitation) and decrease (depression) in the probability of neurotransmitter release [3,4]. It affects the speed of synaptic signal transmission and can last from hundreds of milliseconds to seconds [3,5]. This phenomenon varies enormously depending on the neuronal and synaptic features as well as on the neuron's recent history of activity [6][7][8]. Neuronal plasticity, on the other hand, was examined mainly on the single neuron level [9,10], hence investigation of this phenomenon is still demanded.Short-term synaptic plasticity, in the form of facilitation and depression (FAD), is suggested to carry critical computational functions in neural circuits [1,11,12], thus one can hypothesize that neuronal plasticity carries similar computational functions. This hypothesis was not experimentally verified on the network level, and in addition its enormous variation seems to prevent reliable information processing [13,14]. Here we experimentally demonstrate neuronal ultra-fast plasticity on a time scale of several milliseconds and its applications to advanced computational tasks.