A b s t r a c t. Possibilities of using electric methods for determining admixtures of oat meal to wheat flour, type 650 are presented. In wheat flour, oat meal and mixtures containing 10, 20 and 30% of the oat meal, moisture, protein, starch and ash content, sedimentation value, yield and softening of wet gluten were determined. In samples containing 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 100% of oat meal, the dielectric loss factor and conductivity were determined using an impedance analyzer for electromagnetic field frequency ranging from 0.1-20 kHz. It was found that the dielectric loss factor varied for tested material. The best distinguishing between tested mixtures was obtained at the measuring electromagnetic field frequency of 20 kHz. The loss factor was significantly correlated with the yield of wet gluten and the sedimentation value, parameters indicating the amount and quality of gluten proteins in flour.K e y w o r d s: wheat flour, oat middlings, electrical properties, dielectric loss factor
INTRODUCTIONThe human diet is based on cereal products, in which bakery products have the largest share. The increasing awareness of producers and consumers resulted in an increase in the range of bakery products with additives improving their value. Such additives may include oat products, as oat protein is characterized by its high biological value (Peterson et al., 2005). Exogenous amino acids form about 40% of it, while in wheat and rye protein their content reaches only 30% (Ralecewicz and Knapowski, 2006). In oat grain there are a lot of lipids with a significant content of unsaturated fatty acids (Czubaszek, 2008;Hampshire, 2004;Peterson et al., 2005). Furthermore, in those lipids also present are tocopherols and tocotrienols, compounds with anti-cancer activity, additionally preventing cardiovascular diseases. A component, which had the largest contribution to the increase in interest in oats, is dietary fibre containing about 50% of soluble fraction and b-glucans (Hampshire, 2004). Oats bran is particularly rich in fibre, with a 24% content of that component (Zarzycki and Rzedziecki, 2009). Compounds present in oat fibre absorb substances harmful to health ie heavy metals, residues of plant protection agents from food and prevent them being absorbed by the body. They also bind cholesterol in the human digestive system thus reducing its assimilation and reducing its levels in blood. This is of enormous significance for prophylactics of diseases such as arteriosclerosis or ischaemic heart disease (Peterson et al., 2005;Weawer and Schneeman, 2005). It was demonstrated that bakery products with oat additives might have good physical and organoleptic properties (Czubaszek, 2008;Flander et al., 2004;Meltzer, 2005; SalmenkallioMarttila et al., 2004).So far, for determining the presence of admixtures in flour the microscopic evaluation of starch granules was used, as they are characterized by different sizes, shapes or surface structures, depending on their origin. Studies on determining dielectric and electric propert...