The reception accorded the 1960 and 1961 Annual Reviews of Geological Survey research has encouraged us to prepare this volume, "Geological Survey ," in a continuing effort to publish more quickly the significant results of our current investigations. We continue to consider these reports as experimental and have again this year modified the content, format, and frequency of release of chapters in an attempt to serve better the interests of the users of the reports. The comments and suggestions of these users are here solicited and will be considered carefully as future volumes are planned.The current Annual Review consists of five chapters (Chapters A through E) of Professional Paper 450. As in the preceding two Annual Reviews, Chapter A is a synopsis of recent findings in the many and varied lines of study pursued by Survey personnel. Chapters, B, C, D, and E of this volume are collections of short articles in geology, hydrology, topography, and allied fields. These articles are numbered as follows: Prof. Paper 450-B Articles 1-59 Prof. Paper 450-C Articles 60-119 Prof. Paper 450-D Articles 120-179 Prof. Paper 450-E Articles 180-239 These four chapters have been released at about three-month intervals during the year (Chapter E is in preparation as this foreword is written) so that timely articles could reach the reader more quickly.Results of research presented in this chapter, Chapter A, are representative of our many projects; complete coverage of all projects would result in an unwieldy volume. A complete list of our publications during fiscal year 1962 can be found on pages A197 to A250 Readers interested in learning of our current work in certain geographic areas or on specific topics will find a complete listing of investigations in progress in the Geologic and Water Resources Divisions during fiscal year 1962 on pages A137 to A186. The status of mapping by the Topographic Division is included this year for the first time, on pages A187 to A195, Addresses of our main centers and field offices and names of officials in charge are presented on pages A128 to A132 for readers who wish to contact our personnel directly.During fiscal year 1962, the services of the Geological Survey were utilized by or were supported financially in part by, the numerous Federal, State, County and City agencies listed on pages A133 to A136. Some work reported in these chapters may be a direct result of cooperative investigations in previous years with agencies not shown on the current list. Cooperating agencies are acknowledged in the articles in Chapters B, C, D, and E, but space limitations preclude mention of individual cooperators in the summary statements in Chapter A. \ The current Annual Review represents the combined efforts of many individuals. Arthur B. Campbell assumed overall responsibility for the preparation of the report and assembled Chapter A from information supplied by many project chiefs and program leaders. He was assisted by Joshua I. Tracey, Jr., who critically reviewed the manuscripts for Chapters B, C, D...