Th e opinion regarding sexual and vaginal function of patients with advanced cervical cancer treated primarily by chemoradiotherapy has still not been formed, mainly due to inappropriate methodology as the control group was comprised of healthy women. Th e aim of this study is to, by means of interview, evaluate vaginal and sexual function of patients with advanced cervical cancer before and after chemoradiotherapy and compare the results. A number of patients were irradiated by teleradiotherapy dose of Gy in fractions over weeks to the pelvis and additional - Gy in - fractions were given by intracavitary HDR brachytherapy. Patients received mg/m of cisplatin once a week, which is a total of - cycles of cisplatin. Patients answered the questions in a form of a questionnaire specifi cally created for cervical cancer (EORTC-QLQ-Cx ), for the period immediately before diagnosed cervical cancer (thus being a control group). Th ey also answered the same questions for the period starting months after the completion of concomitant chemoradiotherapy, and were an experimental group at the time. For the testing of statistical signifi cance of diff erences among the examined groups parameter and non-parameter tests were used (the Wilcoxon signed ranks test and Student' s t-test). Th e diff erence p<. was considered statistically signifi cant. Vaginal problems of patients after chemoradiotherapy were statistically reduced ( versus ; p<.). Th ere is no statistical signifi cance in the vaginal function among the analyzed groups but weaker pain during intercourse was registered after chemoradiotherapy (p=.). After chemoradiotherapy, patients' vaginal function is extremely improved whereas there is no diff erence in the sexual function. Pain during intercourse is statistically reduced after chemoradiotherapy.