We develop a model to calculate nonlinear polarization in a nondegenerate four-wave mixing in diamond configuration which includes the effects of hyperfine structure and Doppler broadening. We verify the model against the experiment with 5 2 S 1/2 , 5 2 P 3/2 , 5 2 D 3/2 and 5 2 P 1/2 levels of rubidium 85. Treating the multilevel atomic system as a combination of many four-level systems we are able to express the nonlinear susceptibility of a thermal ensemble in a low-intensity regime in terms of Voigt-type profiles and obtain an excellent conformity of theory and experiment within this complex system. The agreement is also satisfactory at high intensity and the analytical model correctly predicts the positions and shapes of resonances. Our results elucidate the physics of coherent interaction of light with atoms involving higher excited levels in vapors at room temperature, which is used in an increasing range of applications.