Supplementary Information
S1. Model parameters Figure S1 and Table S1 show the model geometry and parameters used in the simulation presented in the main article.
S2. Model response that reproduces a range of observationsThe rich model response described in the main text is animated by the two supplementary movies which show the time evolution of slip rate distribution V z (x, z, t) on the fault from 4300 to 4800 years (movie I) and from 3500 to 4000 years (movie II) after the beginning of the numerical simulation. Coseismic slip rates of the order of 0.1 m/s and higher are indicated by white to blue colors. The slower slip rates are shown in progressively darker yellow and orange, with the long-term plate rate of 10 -9 m/s indicated in red. Locked regions which have, by definition, much smaller slip rates than the plate rate are indicated by black patches.The simulated time and the maximum slip rate over the fault at that time are given at upper-right and upper-left corners of the movies, respectively. The movie frames are taken every 30 computational time steps, which vary in the computation, and hence the time intervals between the frames are quite heterogeneous. During coseismic periods, the typical time step is 2/150 s and the typical interframe rate is 0.4 s. In the interseismic periods, the interframe rates reach values of about 1 year.Movie I illustrates the behavior of the model that combines, in the same patch, creep in the interseismic periods and large seismic slip. It starts at a time when the interseismic fault slip rate distribution is as expected for the slow-rate friction properties adopted in the model: patch A is mostly locked and patch B is creeping with the long-term plate rate, like the creeping areas that surround the two patches. During the following interseismic period, the locked region of patch A shrinks by penetration of creep from the surrounding areas, which occurs due to stress concentration at the boundary between creeping and locked regions (e.g., Tse and Rice, 1986;Lapusta et al., 2000). Earthquake rupture nucleates when the creeping region within patch A becomes comparable to the nucleation size estimates (Rice and Ruina, 1983;Rice et al., 2001;Rubin and