The Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorem for spin chains is generalized to a wide range of models of interacting electrons and localized spins in one-dimensional lattice. The existence of a low-energy state is generally proved except for special commensurate fillings where a gap may occur. Moreover, the crystal momentum of the constructed low-energy state is 2kF , where kF is the Fermi momentum of the non-interacting model, corresponding to Luttinger's theorem. For the Kondo lattice model, our result implies that kF must be calculated by regarding the localized spins as additional electrons. Strongly correlated electron systems have attracted great interest. In one spatial dimension (1D), the effect of interactions is often so strong that the independent electron approximation fails even qualitatively. The bosonization approach describes a wide range of onedimensional interacting electron systems, in which the low-energy excitations are better described in terms of bosons rather than fermions. Such a phase is generally called a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid [1]. (For reviews of bosonization, see for example [2].) There is an important parameter, the Fermi momentum k F . Although Fermi liquid theory generally breaks down in 1D due to interactions, the correlation functions still have a singular wavevector, which is a remnant of the Fermi surface of the free electrons. Low energy particle-hole like excitations still exist at the wave-vector 2k F . In the free electron model, the Fermi momentum is determined by the particle density, ν: k F = πν (or πν/2 for spinful electrons in zero magnetic field). Luttinger proved that interactions do not change the volume inside the Fermi surface, as long as the system belongs to the Fermi liquid universality class [3]. A possible one-dimensional version of Luttinger's is simply the assertion that gapless neutral excitations exist at the unrenormalized wave-vector 2k F = 2πν. This ought to imply singularities in Green's functions at the same wave-vector. It seems that the absence of a shift in k F in 1D has been assumed in most of the literature.However, since Fermi liquid theory actually breaks down, Luttinger's proof does not directly apply to the 1D problems. A proof for 1D was proposed recently [4], but only for a very simplified model with a linearized dispersion relation and without backscattering and Umklapp term. An even more difficult example is the Kondo Lattice model, in which localized spins interact with conduction electrons. The question arises whether the Fermi momentum is determined by the density of conduction electrons only or by regarding also the localized spins as electrons.In this letter, we point out that a simple but powerful theorem can be applied to a wide range of interacting electron models on 1D lattice. A low-energy excited state is explicitly constructed with a definite crystal momentum, 2k F where k F is the free electron Fermi wave-vector for the specified density, for generic values of the filling factor. The theorem gives an exact necessary condition for th...