The generalized Gauss-Bonnet theory, introduced by Lagrangian F (R, G), has been considered as a general modified gravity for explanation of the dark energy. G is the Gauss-Bonnet invariant. For this model, we seek the situations under which the late-time behavior of the theory is the deSitter space-time. This is done by studying the two-dimensional phase space of this theory, i.e. the R − H plane. By obtaining the conditions under which the de-Sitter space-time is the stable attractor of this theory, several aspects of this problem have been investigated. It has been shown that there exist at least two classes of stable attractors: the singularities of the F (R, G), and the cases in which the model has a critical curve, instead of critical points. This curve is R = 12H 2 in R − H plane. Several examples, including their numerical calculations, have been discussed.