The proof of Proposition 5 of [3] is incomplete. With notation as in the paper, the possibility that the polynomial X~/q'P o + X~/~' P1 + X~/q" Pz in (11) could be identically zero was overlooked. We will sketch here a proof that in this case X does not have controlled singularities so this case can indeed be discarded in the proof of Proposition 5. and P1 is a zero of X~/q' P2 and, since we are in the generic case, is a zero of PE and gives a singular point of F = 0 with Jacobian ideal of multiplicity at least q' since c~F/~X i = P~'. rather than ~ ee < 2d.
P~XWe would like to thank M. Homma who pointed out to us the case overlooked and suggested part of the above argument 1o show that any counterexample would be singular.
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