In this note, we discuss the notion of symmetric self-duality of shaded planar algebras, which allows us to lift shadings on subfactor planar algebras to obtain Z/2Z-graded unitary fusion categories. This nishes the proof that there are unitary fusion categories with fusion graphs 4442 and 3333.Planar algebras have proven to be useful in the construction [Pet10; BMPS12] and classi cation [JMS14; AMP15] of subfactors and fusion categories. In recent articles, we used planar algebras to construct subfactor planar algebras with principal graphs 4442, 3333, and 2221 [MP15],
,, and , and a new subfactor with principal graphs 22221 with interesting dual data [LMP15] (see Example 2.2 below). This 22221 subfactor turns out to be an example of a new parameterized family of unshaded subfactor planar algebras related to quantum subgroups [Liu15]. The 2221 subfactor was originally constructed by Izumi [Izu01], as was the 3333 subfactor [Izu16]. In [CMS11, Appendix], Ostrik constructed a Z/2-graded unitary fusion category with fusion graph 2221. Thus upon constructing 4442 and 3333, we naturally wondered whether we could lift the shading on our subfactor planar algebras to get Z/2-graded fusion categories with these fusion graphs.We showed that these subfactor planar algebras are symmetrically self-dual, i.e., there is a planar algebra isomorphism Φ from P • = (P + , P − ) to its dual P • = (P − , P + ) such that Φ ∓ • Φ ± = 1 ± . We furthermore claimed that we can lift the shading on a symmetrically self-dual subfactor planar algebra to obtain an unshaded factor planar algebra [BHP12]. This would mean the associated tensor category of projections is a Z/2-graded unitary fusion category C whose even graded part is the even part of P • and whose odd graded part is the odd part of P • .In this note, we complete the proof of this claim to complete the construction of these categories.Theorem A. Given a symmetrically self-dual shaded planar algebra ( • , Φ), there is an unshaded planar algebra • such that • is obtained from • by re-shading (as in De nition 1.4 below).Corollary B. There are Z/2-graded unitary fusion categories with fusion graphs 4442 and 3333.arXiv:1709.05023v1 [math.OA]