The present study analyzes the species composition of elasmobranch by-catch of bottom trawlers that targeted common hake Merluccius hubbsi on the northern and central Patagonian shelf during 2001, 2002 and 2003. Six surveys were conducted, and a total of 20 species of elasmobranchs were observed. Zearaja chilensis and Squalus acanthias were present in all surveys.The mean values of relative abundance ranged between 9.12 and 151 ind. . There were no patterns detected between the mean size of the individuals and the depth of capture for any of the captured species. Length-to-weight relationships were estimated for 14 species, and size-at-maturity was estimated for 8 species.KEY WORDS: By-catch · Size-at-maturity · Elasmobranchs · Length-to-weight relationships Aquat Biol 19: 239-251, 2013 240 Bottom-trawl fishery uses non-selective gear (Kelle her 2005) and captures several non-target species. In Argentina, bottom trawling is practiced over the Argentine shelf to capture the common hake Merluccisus hubbsi (Marini, 1933). This resource sustains one of the most important fisheries in Argentina in terms of both landings and fishing effort. Since the early 1980s the main fishing grounds of this fishery (where most of the fishing effort is located) are in the Patagonian region (south of 41°S) (Bezzi et al. 1994, Aubone et al. 2004). Elasmobranchs are a common but unspecified by-catch in this fishery as they are in many of bottom-trawl fisheries worldwide (Stevens et al. 2000, Kelleher 2005. Unfortunately, few speciesspecific data from elasmobranchs are available on the main fishing grounds of northern Patagonia, and less is known about the status of each stock affected. However, recently, large annual landings of elasmobranchs have been a cause of concern in Argentina. Only a few studies have focused on evaluating the fraction of the population that is affected by the fisheries in Argentina (Chiaramonte 1998. Up to present, no studies have been conducted to determine the species of elasmobranchs affected by the common-hake bottom-trawl fishery. In order to address this situation, the objectives of this paper are to report elasmobranch species affected by the common-hake bottom-trawl fishery that operates in northern Patagonia and to provide baseline information on sex ratios, estimations of the species' sizeat-maturity (whenever this was possible), and the proportion of mature individuals captured.
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Fishing methods and study areaSurveys were conducted on board 3 vessels of 42 m in length and 1200 HP in engine power equipped with bottom-trawl nets. The opening of each net was approximately 30 m wide and 3 m in height, and the mesh size was 120 mm. Vessels fit in Category IV of the bottom-trawl fleet that fishes common hake Merluccius hubbsi which represents > 70% of the total fishing effort in the studied area (Sánchez et al. 2011). Surveys were conducted on the Argentine shelf be tween 41 and 47°S in a de...