The quantum states in metal clusters bunch into supershells with associated orbitals having shapes resembling those in atoms, giving rise to the concept that selected clusters could mimic the characteristics of atoms and be classified as superatoms. Unlike atoms, the superatom orbitals span over multiple atoms and the filling of orbitals does not usually exhibit Hund's rule seen in atoms. Here, we demonstrate the possibility of enhancing exchange splitting in superatom shells via a composite cluster of a central transition metal and surrounding nearly free electron metal atoms. The transition metal d states hybridize with superatom D states and result in enhanced splitting between the majority and minority sets where the moment and the splitting can be controlled by the nature of the central atom. We demonstrate these findings through studies on TMMg n clusters where TM is a 3d atom. The clusters exhibit Hund's filling, opening the pathway to superatoms with magnetic shells.magnetic superatoms | jellium model | superatomic shells T he quantum confinement of electrons in small compact symmetric metal clusters results in electronic shell sequence 1S, 1P, 1D, …, much in the same way as in atoms. This analogy, originally introduced through the electronic states in a "jellium sphere" where the electron gas is confined to a uniform positive background of the size of the cluster, extends beyond this oversimplified model (1-9). Numerous first principles electronic structure studies on metal clusters have demonstrated the close grouping of electronic states into shells and have further shown that the shapes of the cluster electronic orbitals resemble those in atoms. Experiments on the reactivity of clusters have provided evidence that clusters and atoms of similar valence shells exhibit analogous chemical patterns. For example, although bulk aluminum is readily oxidized by oxygen, an Al 13 − cluster with filled 1S 2 , 1P 6 , 1D 10 , 2S 2 , 1F 14 , and 2P 6 shells exhibits strong resistance to etching by oxygen typical of inert atoms (5, 10). Further Al 13 has a large electron affinity of 3.4 eV close to that of a Cl atom (9). These analogies have prompted the concept that selected stable clusters could mimic the electronic behavior of elemental atoms and be classified as superatoms forming a third dimension of the periodic table (10-21). Because the properties of clusters change with size and composition, the superatoms offer the prospect of serving as the building blocks of nanomaterials with tunable characteristics (16,18).The electronic orbitals in superatoms, although resembling those in real atoms in shape, do spread over multiple atoms. This affects the way in which the electrons fill the shells because of two competing effects. Hund's rule favors high spin states in open shell systems stabilized by exchange coupling, and indeed higher spin multiplicities have been seen in some clusters (22) and even quantum dots spanning several nanometers (23). However, unlike the case of atoms, small clusters can undergo structu...