Current quantum computers are still error-prone, with measurement errors being one of the factors limiting the scalability of quantum devices. To reduce their impact, a variety of readout error mitigation methods, mostly relying on classical post-processing, have been developed. However, the application of these methods is complicated by their heterogeneity and a lack of information regarding their functionality, configuration, and integration. To facilitate their use, we provide an overview of existing methods, and evaluate general and method-specific configuration options. Quantum applications comprise many classical pre- and post-processing tasks, including readout error mitigation. Automation can facilitate the execution of these often complex tasks, as their manual execution is time-consuming and error-prone. Workflow technology is a promising candidate for the orchestration of heterogeneous tasks, offering advantages such as reliability, robustness, and monitoring capabilities. In this paper, we present an approach to abstractly model quantum workflows comprising configurable readout error mitigation tasks. Based on the method configuration, these workflows can then be automatically refined into executable workflow models. To validate the feasibility of our approach, we provide a prototypical implementation and demonstrate it in a case study from the quantum humanities domain.