The monthly magazine of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, founded in 1948 as The UNESCO Courier, represents an extraordinary resource for research on global themes in the humanities. We present the Curated Courier 1.0, a package of digital text corpora, text analysis tools, and supplementary material that aims to make the complete archive of this publication from 1948 to 2020 machine-readable, accessible, and reusable for digital text analysis. One corpus compiles the text of all articles, which we carefully reconstructed and linked to a comprehensive curated metadata index while excluding additional text (masthead, photo captions, letters to the editor, and so on). A second corpus brings together the complete text of all issues. This article first presents the value of Courier as a source for digital research in the global humanities. Second, it outlines how we created the curated corpus and discusses some challenges we met. Third, it offers examples of tools researchers might use to explore and utilize the annotated corpus and discusses a few approaches that we have developed and tested.
(1.2) COURIER: A RESOURCE FOR RESEARCH IN THE GLOBAL HUMANITIESIf there has ever been such a thing as a global magazine, it may have been The UNESCO Courier. Founded in 1948, its mission was to "promote UNESCO's ideals, maintain a platform for the dialogue between cultures, and provide a forum for international debate." 2 Initially formatted like a newspaper, Courier served UNESCO first as a tool for informing readers worldwide about the organization and its activities. By the mid-1950s, in conjunction with its transition into a monthly illustrated magazine format, it became an "opinion journal tackling topics covered by UNESCO's mandate"-that is, education, science, culture and communications-"but with little reference to activities carried out or official points of view" (Defourny 2003: 428-429). 1 (accessed 19 January 2024). 2 (accessed 19 January 2024).