The rapid preparation of homogeneous suspensions of micro- or nano-crystals is a crucial step in serial crystallography. We show how additives, such as the crystallophore (TbXo4) that acts as a molecular glue by promoting protein-protein interactions, can facilitate sample preparation for both serial synchrotron crystallography (SSX) and micro electron diffraction (3D ED). This lanthanide complex was used here for its nucleating properties to crystallize hen egg white lysozyme. SAXS monitoring indicates that crystals formed in a few minutes in low salt conditions that would not lead to spontaneous nucleation. Resulting micro- and nano-crystals were successfully used to determine the structure of the lysozyme-TbXo4 complex by SSX and 3D ED, illustrating the diffraction quality of the produced crystals and the usefulness of such compounds in the sample preparation pipeline for serial crystallography.