An exotic phase, the bond order wave, characterized by the spontaneous dimerization of the hopping, has been predicted to exist sandwiched between the band and Mott insulators in systems described by the ionic Hubbard model. Despite growing theoretical evidences, this phase still evades experimental detection. Given the recent realization of the ionic Hubbard model in ultracold atomic gases, we propose here to detect the bond order wave using superlattice modulation spectroscopy. We demonstrate, with the help of time-dependent density-matrix renormalization group and bosonization, that this spectroscopic approach reveals characteristics of both the Ising and Kosterlitz-Thouless transitions signaling the presence of the bond order wave phase. This scheme also provides insights into the excitation spectra of both the band and Mott insulators.In solid state materials, the combination of strong interactions, quantum fluctuations and finely tuned energy scales gives rise to rich physics. For example, in a large class of materials including transition metal oxides [1], organics [2] and iridates [3], the presence of strong onsite repulsion between fermions leads to the suppression of charge motion and to the formation of Mott insulating states. Inducing charge fluctuations around these Mott insulators, e.g. by doping, reveals intricate phase diagrams highlighting the presence of multiple competing orders. Perhaps one of the best known examples is the emergence of d-wave superconductivity in hightemperature cuprates at the interface between antiferromagnetic and Fermi liquid phases [4].Complex states also arise near phase transitions when competing insulating effects are present. In the neighborhood of such transitions, where the strength of the insulating terms is comparable, the effect of smaller terms, such as the kinetic energy, leads to the emergence of metallic phases or exotic correlations. For example, at the interface between the Mott and band insulators, such a competition is believed to play an important role in the ionic to neutral transitions in organic chargetransfer solids [5,6] and at ferroelectric transitions in perovskites [7]. The ionic Hubbard model, which gained prominence over the last decade, was first developed to explain the physics near these transitions. In this model, the on-site Hubbard repulsion and staggered potential terms induce insulating behavior when taken separately, but when taken together they can compete and give rise to a region of increased charge fluctuations. This region, occuring where these two terms are of comparable strength, is of great interest as this competition leads to the emergence of the bond order wave phase signaled by a spontaneous dimerization of the hopping. This model is described by the standard HubbardHamiltonian to which a staggered potential, with an energy offset ∆ between neighbouring sites, is addedHere c ( †) j,σ are the fermionic annihilation (creation) operators and n j,σ is the particle number operator on site j with spin σ = {↑, ↓}. The amplitude ...