In this paper, the authors explore the usefulness of a combination of semi-formal and formal methods in specifying reactive systems and verifying their properties. The authors propose an approach combining STATEMATE and the temporal logic FNLOG. STATEMATE is a semi-formal method, which has been used for the development of large industrial applications. It pertains to the specification and design of complex reactive systems and builds simulations and prototypes rapidly. Though STATEMATE provides rigorous specifications, these are not verifiable to ensure and guarantee the reliability of the system being developed. To fulfil the verification objective, a STATEMATE specification is translated into a logic-based specification language FNLOG, which allows its verification. This paper describes the cross reference between STATEMATE and FNLOG features. Systematic derivation schemes from STATEMATE models to FNLOG specifications and different steps of the proposed translation procedure. . (2009) 'Translating STATEMATE models into FNLOG for the verification of safety requirements in reactive systems', Int.