This paper discusses the usability of a generic method for the evaluation of the user activity in Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) and its implementation with Unity. In the context of motion-based tasks, the learning process relies on the observation and imitation of the task demonstrated by the teacher. The learner task is compared to the teacher one in terms of: (a) motions shape of the user and the manipulated artefacts and (b), the sequential order of 3D checkpoints that the user must collide with. The integration of the evaluation system into any existing VLE rises challenges regarding the system architecture and the Human Computer Interface to set up the evaluation process. A usability test related to the design of this process is conducted for a pool shooting, a dart throwing and a letter writing simulation. The preliminary results show that: (i) the integration of an existing VLE into the evaluation system is feasible despite issues related to the interaction assets and (ii), all participants are satisfied by their designed evaluation process for pool shooting and dart throwing, they were unable to set up a satisfying evaluation for letter writing due to scale issues.