My oldest son asks, 'Where are my rights as a US citizen? Where is my right to live with my family and have a home?'"-Mother of three US citizen children and wife of detained immigrant "My husband called and said that he had a normal check-in like every year. He went like always, but this time they arrested him. I asked why if everything was going well. He had a clean record. He is a good father. He is working to help our kids get ahead. We have two children who are citizens and we are fighting for them, so that they are good people and professionals. I didn't see any reason for him to get arrested."-Woman whose husband was deported "In my preaching, I guide and insist that it is important to be aware of our rights, to not have fear, and to know that we all are God's children and need a piece of land in this planet. I try to remind them that they are immigrants but also human beings before anything else and that all human beings have rights."-Priest