The amidohydrolase superfamily has remarkable functional diversity, with considerable structural and functional annotation of known sequences. In microbes, the recent evolution of several members of this family to catalyze the breakdown of environmental xenobiotics is not well understood. An evolutionary transition from binuclear to mononuclear metal ion coordination at the active sites of these enzymes could produce large functional changes such as those observed in nature, but there are few clear examples available to support this hypothesis. To investigate the role of binuclear-mononuclear active-site transitions in the evolution of new function in this superfamily, we have characterized two recently evolved enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of the synthetic herbicides molinate (MolA) and phenylurea (PuhB). In this work, the crystal structures, mutagenesis, metal ion analysis, and enzyme kinetics of both MolA and PuhB establish that these enzymes utilize a mononuclear active site. However, bioinformatics and structural comparisons reveal that the closest putative ancestor of these enzymes had a binuclear active site, indicating that a binuclear-mononuclear transition has occurred. These proteins may represent examples of evolution modifying the characteristics of existing catalysts to satisfy new requirements, specifically, metal ion rearrangement leading to large leaps in activity that would not otherwise be possible.T he amidohydrolase superfamily (AHS) has been extensively studied, with Ͼ36,000 attributed sequences since its first classification in 1998, most of which are from bacteria (1, 2). All AHS members have a (/␣) 8 -barrel structural fold and catalyze metaldependent hydrolysis reactions (3). The scissile bond cleaved varies between AHS enzymes, with C-O, P-O, P-S, C-N, C-S, and C-Cl bonds all having been reported to be hydrolyzed (4-8). In accordance with the metal-dependent mechanism, a mononuclear or binuclear metal binding site is observed in all AHS enzymes (9, 10). The role of the metal ion(s) in catalysis varies, depending on the substrate being hydrolyzed and the enzyme involved (10, 11). Generally, one or two metals are enlisted to lower the pK a of a catalytic water molecule, favoring the formation of a nucleophilic hydroxide (12). A second metal may polarize the substrate directly, often at a carbonyl or phosphoryl bond, or stabilize a negative charge in the transition state (13,14).Enzymes within the AHS can be separated into subtypes on the basis of the specific metal binding ligands at the conserved mononuclear or binuclear metal binding sites. Since the comprehensive review published by Seibert and Raushel in 2005 (9), in which seven subtypes were defined, two additional subtypes have been identified (Table 1) (6,15). A typical binuclear metal binding site (subtypes I, II, and VI) is characterized by a bridging ligand (generally a glutamate or carboxylated lysine residue) that coordinates both (M ␣ and M  ) metal ions (16-18). Mononuclear metal binding ligands are more variable, ...