“…With respect to biomassvalorization,aldol condensation of furfural anda cetone has been studied in detail, as after hydrogenation the reaction products have characteristics of high quality diesel fuel components. [31,32] Furthermore, some biomass-derived compounds,s uch as terpenes, have cyclic aliphatic rings and can be directly used as high-density biofuel additives. [9][10][11][15][16][17] In contrast, the selective depolymerization of lignin results in av ariety of phenolic and aromatic molecules whosecyclic structure can provide the necessary characteristics of potentiala viation fuels produced from biomass.T oa rrive at aviation fuel components, lignin-derivedc ompounds should be processed by one of the following strategies:1 )aldol condensation of short-chain aldehydes with (substituted) cyclic ketones [18][19][20][21] obtained by partial hydrogenation of phenolics from lignin [22,23] or furanics [24][25][26] ,o r2 )self-condensation of cyclic ketones, [27][28][29][30] or 3) alkylation of lignin-derived aromatics by short chain alcohols.…”