We introduce a multiscale framework which combines time-dependent nonequilibrium Green function (TD-NEGF) algorithms, scaling linearly in the number of time steps and describing quantummechanically conduction electrons in the presence of time-dependent fields of arbitrary strength or frequency, with classical time evolution of localized magnetic moments described by the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation. The TD-NEGF+LLG framework can be applied to a variety of problems where current-driven spin torque induces dynamics of magnetic moments as the key resource for next generation spintronics. Previous approaches to such nonequilibrium many-body system (like steady-state-NEGF+LLG framework) neglect noncommutativity of a quantum Hamiltonian of conduction electrons at different times and, therefore, the impact of time-dependent magnetic moments on electrons leading to pumping of spin and charge currents. The pumped currents can, in turn, self-consistently affect the dynamics of magnetic moments themselves. Using magnetic domain wall (DW) as an example, we predict that its motion will pump time-dependent spin and charge currents (on the top of unpolarized DC charge current injected through normal metal leads to drive the DW motion), where the latter can be viewed as a realization of quantum charge pumping due to time-dependence of the Hamiltonian and left-right symmetry breaking of the two-terminal device structure. The conversion of AC components of spin current, whose amplitude increases (decreases) as the DW approaches (distances from) the normal metal lead, into AC voltage via the inverse spin Hall effect offers a tool to precisely track the DW position along magnetic nanowire. We also quantify the DW transient inertial displacement due to its acceleration and deceleration by pulse current and the entailed spin and charge pumping. Finally, TD-NEGF+LLG as a nonperturbative (i.e., numerically exact) framework allows us to establish the limits of validity of the so-called spin-motive force (SMF) theory for pumped charge current by time-dependent magnetic textures-the perturbative analytical formula of SMF theory becomes inapplicable for large frequencies (but unrealistic in magnetic system) and, more importantly, for increasing noncollinearity when the angles between neighboring magnetic moments exceed 10 ⢠. arXiv:1802.05682v3 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 9 Aug 2018 x y z Electron Flow J t t J sd