Some properties of the non-commutative versions of the sine-Gordon model (NCSG) and the corresponding massive Thirring theories (NCMT) are studied. Our method relies on the NC extension of integrable models and the master Lagrangian approach to deal with dual theories. The master Lagrangians turn out to be the NC versions of the so-called affine Toda model coupled to matter fields (NCATM) associated to the group GL(2), in which the Toda field belongs to certain representations of either U (1)xU (1) or U (1) C corresponding to the Lechtenfeld et al. (NCSG 1 ) or Grisaru-Penati (NCSG 2 ) proposals for the NC versions of the sine-Gordon model, respectively. Besides, the relevant NCMT 1,2 models are written for two (four) types of Dirac fields corresponding to the Moyal product extension of one (two) copy(ies) of the ordinary massive Thirring model. The NCATM 1,2 models share the same one-soliton (real Toda field sector of model 2) exact solutions, which are found without expansion in the NC parameter θ for the corresponding Toda and matter fields describing the strong-weak phases, respectively. The correspondence NCSG 1 ↔ NCMT 1 is promising since it is expected to hold on the quantum level. * ⋆ e −iϕ + ⋆ − 2 .(3.11)In this way we have re-derived the Lechtenfeld et al. action (NCSG 1