First of all, let us give the precise definition of pseudogroup, which is at the core of our work.Definition. Let X be a smooth manifold and Diff loc (X) be the set of locally defined diffeomorphisms of X. A pseudogroup Γ over X is a subset Γ ⊂ Diff loc (X) such that • Γ contains the identity and is closed under inversion and composition of transformations;• Γ is closed under restriction and gluing of transformations.By "closed under gluing of transformations" we mean that if φ : U ⊂ X → V ⊂ X is a local transformation of X and there is a cover {U i } i∈I of U such that φ| Ui ∈ Γ, then φ ∈ Γ.The class of examples we are mostly interested in is that of sets of symmetries. The tools: Lie groupoids and multiplicative forms In [44], Lie and Engel focused mainly on the subclass of finite type Lie pseudogroups, see e.g. [69]. Their work can be seen as the origin of the modern notion of Lie group. Later on,Élie Cartan published two papers [13, 14] presenting a structure theory for Lie pseudogroups in full generality; his work contains great intuitions and underlies most of the later developments. See [69] for a modern formulation of Cartan's work.The framework that we have chosen to deal with pseudogroups has been developed fairly recently [15,55,69]. The fundamental objects are Lie groupoids. When Γ is a pseudogroup over X and k ∈ N, the jet space J k Γ is a groupoid over Example. Let be k ∈ N and let M be a 2k-dimensional manifold. Let us assume that M admits a Γ sp -atlas (see the example above) denoted by {(U i , ϕ i )} i∈I . That is, {U i } i∈I is a cover of M , the maps ϕ i : U i → R 2k are charts on M and the changes of coordinates φ ij , for i, j ∈ I, are locally defined symplectomorphisms of (R 2k , ω std ).The Γ sp -atlas {(U i , ϕ i )} i∈I endows M with the structure of symplectic manifold. In fact, for all i ∈ I, the pullback ϕ * i (ω std ) is a symplectic form on the open set U i ⊂ M . Since the change of coordinates φ ij is a symplectomorphism, ϕ * i (ω std ) and ϕ * j (ω std ) agree on U i ∩ U j and can be "glued" together. In other words, the collection {ϕ * i (ω std )} is given by the restrictions ω| Ui of a symplectic form ω on M .There are several other remarkable examples of geometric structures that can be described as Γ-structures -e.g. flat Riemannian metrics, complex structures, foliations, contact structures. The recipe is always the same: one considers the
Chapter 1Chapter 1 is joint work in progress with Francesco Cattafi. Our starting point is the description of geometric structures on differentiable manifolds in terms of Lie pseudogroups. Throughout the chapter, we focus on the case when the Lie pseudogroup is transitive -see Definition 1.1.3. In the literature, structures associated to transitive pseudogroups have been encoded into principal group bundles equipped with some additional object -a distribution/one form interacting nicely with the group action, e.g. [58,64]. On the other hand, in [15], Pfaffian groupoids and principal Pfaffian bundles (Definitions 1.2.1 and 1.2.22) were shown t...