After a long and sinuous journey, my PhD project comes finally to an end. I am looking back the ups and downs of this journey, which was only possible with the support of many persons. Here, I would like to thank all who have made this possible. First of all, I would like to thank to my promotors and co-promotors. At the beginning to Linden Vincent and Edwin Rap who started to supervise my work. Linden, I appreciate the valuable discussions for the completion of my research proposal and your fraternal advices to continue my study. Edwin, your support and friendship in the first stage of my work was decisive. I remember the initial discussions to originate this research and our walking through the Pucara Basin. A special thanks to Rutgerd Boelens and Jeroen Vos, for their support and encouragement to follow the path for the completion of this thesis, especially in the final stage of writing. Rutgerd, many thanks for giving me the opportunity to do research with you, but also for your guidance, support and especially for your patience during these years. From my master's thesis to my doctoral thesis, I learned a lot from you. Jeroen, I really appreciate your persistent support to this thesis, especially in the difficult times when I was lost in the thousand tasks of my messy professional life. Without your contribution and encouragement, nothing of this could be possible. This thesis would never come to be without the support of people of the Pucara Basin. I would like to express my gratitude, especially to water users of Tiraque and Punata, for letting me do research with them and for helping me understand empirically the multiple dimensions of struggles for water rights. To the leaders, irrigators and farmers who shared their knowledge, experiences, and histories with me. Special mention to Carlos Camacho, Felipe Velasquez and Wilber Claros; I will be forever grateful to you. Also, I would like to thank to the technicians who were involved in the past projects PRAV and PRIV, and the new project of Yungas de Vandiola, who shared with me their success and failure stories on making irrigation development in the Pucara Basin. Specially, I would like to mention to Humberto Gandarillas, Roberto Saravia, Gerben Gerbrandy and Franz Smulders. In the fieldwork, I want to thank to the research assistants and students, who supported with their work to the data collection. Particular mention to: Anibal Mayta, Benito Alegre, and Sonia Vásquez, who accompanied me in certain moments of my fieldwork. The Andean Center of Water Management and Water Use (Centro AGUA) at San Simón University, gave me the opportunity to grow professionally as researcher, and a nice work environment to do my PhD study. I would like to thank to all the academic and administrative staff, who have contributed to this thesis, in one way or another. Special gratitude to my colleagues, the great Centro AGUA's Team: