“…In mid-Cenozoic times, ENE-WSW-oriented contractionaltranspressional deformation related to continental breakup and subsequent opening of the northeast Atlantic Ocean formed subhorizontal NW-to NNW-trending folds (Bergh et al, 1997;Bergh and Grogan, 2003) and inverted major normal faults, resulting in the formation of the West Spitsbergen fold-and-thrust belt (Harland, 1969;Lowell, 1972;Harland et al, 1974;Haremo et al, 1990;Dallmann et al, 1993;Dißmann and Grewing, 1997). Cenozoic dextral transpression and contraction reactivated preexisting, margin- Gee et al (1952), McWhae (1953), Playford (1962), Cutbill and Challionor (1965), Holliday and Cutbill (1972), Cutbill et al (1976), Johannessen (1980), Gjelberg (1981Gjelberg ( , 1984, Gjelberg and Steel (1981), Johannessen and Steel (1992), Lønøy (1995), Dallmann (1999), , and Scheibner et al (2015). parallel, N-S-trending Caledonian and margin-oblique NW-SE-to NNW-SSE-trending Svalbardian (Ellesmerian) folds and thrusts (Bergh et al, 1997;Blinova et al, 2012Blinova et al, , 2013 and inverted Devonian-Carboniferous normal faults such as the BFZ, making fault offsets difficult to resolve.…”