We consider growing random networks {Gn} n≥1 where, at each time, a new vertex attaches itself to a collection of existing vertices via a fixed number m ≥ 1 of edges, with probability proportional to a function f (called attachment function) of their degrees. It was shown in [BB21] that such network models exhibit two distinct regimes: (i) the persistent regime, corresponding to ∞ i=1 f (i) −2 < ∞, where the top K maximal degree vertices fixate over time for any given K, and (ii) the non-persistent regime, with ∞ i=1 f (i) −2 = ∞, where the identities of these vertices keep changing infinitely often over time. In this article, we develop root finding algorithms based on the empirical degree structure of a snapshot of such a network at some large time. In the persistent regime, the algorithm is purely based on degree centrality, that is, for a given error tolerance ε ∈ (0, 1), there exists Kε ∈ N such that for any n ≥ 1, the confidence set for the root in Gn, which contains the root with probability at least 1 − ε, consists of the top Kε maximal degree vertices. In particular, the size of the confidence set is stable in the network size. Upper and lower bounds on Kε are explicitly characterized in terms of the error tolerance ε and the attachment function f . In the non-persistent regime, analogous algorithms are developed based on centrality measures where one assigns to each vertex v in Gn the maximal degree among vertices in a neighborhood of v of radius rn, where rn is much smaller than the diameter of the network. A bound on the size of the associated confidence set is also obtained, and it is shown that, when f (k) = k α , k ≥ 1, for any α ∈ (0, 1/2], this size grows at a smaller rate than any positive power of the network size.