MnPtGa crystallizes in the hexagonal Ni2In structure type in space group P 63/mmc, and has been reported to display a ferromagnetic Curie temperature near 220 K. Here we find a transition near TC = 236 K to a ferromagnetic state, albeit with a reduced moment from what is expected for collinear ordering. The peak magnetocaloric entropy change was determined to be ∆SM = −1.9 J kg −1 K −1 for an applied magnetic field of H = 5 T at the ferromagnetic ordering temperature. Magnetostructural coupling manifests as a change in the slope of the thermal expansion coefficients of the c lattice parameter near TC , with a negative spontaneous volume magnetostriction; ω = −300 ppm at 190 K. Neutron powder diffraction studies of the magnetic ground state reveal an evolution in complexity as temperature decreases: from a ferromagnet, to a canted antiferromagnet, to the eventual formation of a spin-density wave state at low temperatures.