We construct linearized solutions to Vasiliev's four-dimensional higher spin gravity on warped AdS 3 × ξ S 1 which is an Sp(2) × U (1) invariant non-rotating BTZ-like black hole with R 2 × T 2 topology. The background can be obtained from AdS 4 by means of identifications along a Killing boost K in the region where ξ 2 ≡ K 2 ⩾ 0, or, equivalently, by gluing together two Bañados-Gomberoff-Martinez eternal black holes along their past and future space-like singularities (where ξ vanishes) as to create a periodic (non-Killing) time. The fluctuations are constructed from gauge functions and initial data obtained by quantizing inverted harmonic oscillators providing an oscillator realization of K and of a commuting Killing boost K. The resulting solution space has two main branches in which K star commutes and anti-commutes, respectively, to Vasiliev's twistedcentral closed two-form J. Each branch decomposes further into two subsectors generated from ground states with zero momentum on S 1 . We examine the subsector in which K anti-commutes to J and the ground state is U (1) K × U (1) K -invariant of which U (1) K is broken by momenta on S 1 and U (1) K by quasi-normal modes. We show that a set of U (1) K -invariant modes (with n units of S 1 momenta) are singularity-free as master fields living on a total bundle space, although the individual Fronsdal fields have membrane-like singularities at K 2 = 1. We interpret our findings as an example where Vasiliev's theory completes singular classical Lorentzian geometries into smooth higher spin geometries.5 It is worth mentioning that, from the point of view of the standard spin-2 geometry, there is no four-dimensional uplift of the three-dimensional rotating BTZ black hole, since, differently from the spinless case, the presence of an extra spatial dimension erases the horizon [38]. Since one of the issues to be studied in this paper is the resolution of singularities of fluctuation fields at the horizon within Vasiliev's higher spin gravity, we shall choose to investigate the linearized dynamics around a vacuum solution corresponding to the four-dimensional (topologically extended) non-rotating BTZ-like black hole.6 Rather, in constructing unfolded systems of equations it is usually assumed that if the frame field is invertible then the system must admit a dual interpretation as a complex for an algebraic differential whose cohomology in different degrees consists of the dynamical Fronsdal fields, their gauge parameters, and equations of motion and Bianchi identities [41]; for analogous treatment of mixed symmetry fields, see [43,44].