We develop a fast divided-and-conquer indirect collocation method for the homogeneous Dirichlet boundary value problem of variable-order spacefractional diffusion equations. Due to the impact of the space-dependent variable order, the resulting stiffness matrix of the numerical approximation does not have a Toeplitz-like structure. In this paper we derive a fast approximation of the coefficient matrix by the means of a sum of Toeplitz matrices multiplied by diagonal matrices. We show that the approximation is asymptotically consistent with the original problem, which requires O(kN log 2 N ) memory and O(kN log 3 N ) computational complexity with N and k being the numbers of unknowns and the approximants, respectively. Numerical experiments are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness and the efficiency of the proposed method.Keywords Variable-order space-fractional diffusion equation · Collocation method · Divide-and-conquer algorithm · Toeplitz matrix Mathematics Subject Classification (2010) 65F05 · 65M70 · 65R20
IntroductionField tests showed that space-fractional diffusion equations (sFDEs) provide more accurate descriptions of challenging phenomena of superdiffusive transport and long range interaction, which occur in solute transport in heteroge-