In this paper, we propose algorithms for computing optimal trajectories of a group of flying observers (such as helicopters or UAVs) searching for a lost child in a hilly terrain. Very few assumptions are made about the speed or direction of the child's motion and whether it might (either deliberately or accidentally) try to avoid being found. This framework can also be applied to a set of seekers searching for hostile evaders such as smugglers/criminals, or friendly evaders such as lost hikers.Based on the features of the area of the terrain where the pursuit takes place, and the visibility and motion characteristics of the UAVs, we show how to plan their synchronized trajectories in a way that maximizes the likelihood of a successful pursuit, while minimizing their battery or fuel usage, which may, in turn, enable a longer pursuit. Our algorithm explores useful I/O-efficient data structures and branch-cutting (search pruning) techniques to achieve further speedup by limiting the storage requirements and total number of graph nodes searched, respectively.