Three-phase dual active bridge (DAB) topology is a potential alternative for high-power applications when a compact and efficient converter with a bidirectional power transfer capability is desired. In a constructed prototype high-power SiC modules with dedicated drivers are utilized to achieve highefficiency and compact size. Each module has two interconnected switches with anti-parallel diodes resembling a converter leg. It is observed that the driver halts the module operation as a result of protective actions such as over-current, gate undervoltage, or gate over-voltage. In this frozen leg mode, the module operates as a leg with two diodes until an external hardware signal resets the driver. The converter continues operation but with a reduced performance. Analysis, simulation and verification of a three-phase DAB converter under a frozen leg operation are considered in this paper. The converter with a frozen leg has two different behaviours at light loads and heavy loads. Consequently, two different analysis methods are developed to solve converter operation in different load conditions. Results show that the power transfer capability is reduced, but this fault mode is non-destructive.