Coho (Oncorhynchus kisufch) and sockeye salmon (0. nerka) were held at O", -l", -2", -3", and -20°C for up to 25 days. Hydrolysis of individual soluble proteins was analyzed by SDS-PAGE. The highest rates of hvdrolvsis were in fish held at -2" and -3°C. Several proteins were* present in nearly constant ratios. Significant changes were observed in nine other protein bands. A 35,000 dalton protein was present only in coho salmon. This protein appeared with a halftime of five days and then disappeared. Major changes were observed in 34,000 and 36,000 dalton proteins; half of which were hydrolysed in 7 to 20 days. A 32,000 dalton protein was half-hydrolyzed in 14-23 days in sockeye but very slowly in coho salmon.