The increasing rate of societal obesity is also affecting the transplant world through obesity in candidates and donors as well as its posttransplant repercussions. Being overweight and obese has been shown to have significant effects on both short- and long-term complications as well as patient and graft survival. However, much of the comorbidity can be controlled or prevented with careful patient selection and aggressive management. A team approach to managing obesity and its comorbidities both pre- and posttransplant is essential for successful transplant outcomes. Complicating understanding the results of obesity research is the inclusion different weight categories, use of listing vs transplant weights, patient populations large enough for statistical power, and changes in transplant management, especially immunosuppression protocols, anti-infection protocols, and operative techniques. Much more research is needed regarding many elements, including safe weight loss before transplantation, prevention of weight gain after transplant, genomic influences, and the role of bariatric surgery in the transplant process.