Very recently, the discovery of a marginal, or practically perfect, phase transition (MPT or PPPT) at finite temperature in the 2-leg ladder Ising model with trimer rungs was reported [1]. The MPT or PPPT stems from a new mathematical structure that has not appeared before in phase-transition problems. This opens the door to simulations and utilizations of the spontaneous phase-transition phenomena in one-dimensional systems, despite the proof that phase transitions do not exist in the one-dimensional Ising models with short-range interactions back to year 1924 [2]. Naturally, the urgent fundamental and practical question is how we, now guided by the new light on phase transitions, can find the next cases of MPT or PPPT in one-dimensional systems. Here, I present a generalization of the original idea to a new parents-children Ising model with ice-cream-cone rungs, and exactly prove that the model possesses the same mathematical structure and thus MPT or PPPT. Yet, the ice-cream-cone structure features internal degrees of freedom, making the MPT or PPPT cases countless and highly tunable-with interesting behaviors like phase reentrance, T c domes, pairing etc. These discoveries open the door wide to new interdisciplinary researches in studying, engineering, and utilizing the rich phenomenology of MPT or PPPT in various one-dimensional physical, biological, economical, industrial, and social systems, ranging from building the first-generation phase-transition-ready one-dimensional circuits to developing advanced theories that contain the new mathematical structure for frustration-driven phase transitions.