While this journey comes to an end, I couldn't be more grateful for all the people that supported me during these years. First of all, I would like to thank my advisor Eva, for always being there to help me when I needed her, for the knowledge she shared with me, and for always trying to make the best out of everything.I would also like to thank Oskar Dalhberg and Qiao Chen from KTH Royal Institute of technology for the antenna measurements in the anechoic chamber.Of course I would never be able to reach this point, if I didn't have the help of my parents and their support towards any decision I made. Special thanks to my brother Χάρης who made me laugh even in difficult times. I am grateful for my close friends who were always there for me. Last but not least, my greatest thanks to Ignacio for encouraging me and giving me strength. I could never do this without his 24/7 support during all these years.Σας ευχαριστώ όλους και τον καθένα ξεχωριστά, χωρίς εσάς δεν θα είχα φτάσει ως εδώ.
Ναυσικά vi vii
ContentsAcknowledgements v
Related Publications xiiiResumen xixxx de frecuencias mucho más bajas, puede utilizarse también en aplicaciones de sistemas radar. En la segunda parte, se han desarrollado e implementado diseños innovadores de antenas y arrays usando la tecnología gap waveguide en particular su versión groove. En ellos, se han diseñado novedosas redes de alimentación y sistemas de corrección de fase que proporcionan bajas pérdidas y alta eficiencia.