Elsevier Payri, R.; Ruiz Rosales, S.; Gimeno, J.; Marti-Aldaravi, P. (2015)
AbstractA new solver capable of calculating liquid and/or gas problems has been developed, verified and validated. Compressible solvers in Computational Fluid Dynamics use both mass flux and volumetric fluxes through the cell surface to calculate derivative terms. These fluxes depend on density and velocity fields, therefore the stability of the solver is affected by "how" and "where" density and velocity are calculated or updated. In addition to verification and validation, this paper deals with how different flux updates -equations sequences change the computational solution, reaching the conclusion that for mono-phase solvers no extra-updates should be used in order to minimize computational cost, but for multi-phase solvers with high density gradients an extra-update should be implemented to improve the stability of the solver.