This paper presents the execution and the results of a rod ejection benchmark inspired by the UAM benchmarks II-2b: cross sections uncertainties propagation during a rod ejection transient in a mini-core (3x3 PWR-type assemblies), without feedback. Performing transient computations in two groups time-dependent neutron diffusion approximation while starting from a steady-state power of 0.1409 MW, we obtained a mean power peak around 0.25 MW with a standard deviation of, nearly, 1.5%. The timedependent standard deviation curve follows the time-dependent mean power curve and the relative standard deviation, in a percentage of the mean power, increases with the mean power peak value. We found, too, that the first group diffusion coefficient and the first group absorption cross section are, practically, the only contributors to the total power peak variance. Drawbacks and findings from the exercise provide essential input for uncertainty propagation in a further multi-physics simulation of a postulated rod ejection accident.